Saturday, October 31, 2009

Weeks Sixteen- Eighteen: Taper Madness

It creeps up on you with slow boiling precision, awakens you in the middle of the night whispering strained nonsense into your muscle fibers, force feeding you caffeinated air, your corneas following an imaginary ping pong game played between two nipple chafed marathon zombies dropping out at mile 24. Your mouth is dry, your palms are sweaty and no medication seems to be able to fix, what can only be described as TAPER MADNESS!

After successfully running 20 miles, my training schedule requires me to put on the brakes for the remaining 3 weeks until the marathon, reducing my mileage significantly each week, resting my body and preparing for the final 26.2 miles. These are my taper down weeks, and as they might appear to be getting easier physically they are testing my mental endurance. Just ask Hannah who, like the angel she is, has had to put up with my shifty eyed uneasiness.

The "madness" begins when you find yourself with more time on your hands then usual because of the reduced mileage. With that extra time many find themselves working on there passions, or spending more time with their loved ones. I on the other hand made a list of ways my marathon dreams would be shattered during the race ranging from a blister on the 7th mile to being mauled by an escaped Bronx Zoo black bear on the 22nd. Others included:
1. Falling into a pothole while daydreaming about the newest Twilight movie.
2. Grabbing poison instead of gatorade not knowing that my nemesis was working the water station.
3. Laughing at a t-shirt that read, "Our sport is your sports punishment," and then tripping on a discarded sign reading, "Pain is just weakness leaving your body." (Damn you, clever runners!)
4. While getting my picture taken by an onlooker, discovering my true passion as a fashion model and dropping out.
5. Coming in second.
6. Spontaneous combustion.
7. Running next to a man who looks just like me, realizing he's my long lost twin and stopping for coffee mid-race to discuss his thoughts on investing in my new small business idea of cereal flavored milk.

The madness then continues with a bit of obsessive behaviors. I have frequented so many times I think I could be a meteorologist. ("The weather on sunday calls for partly cloudy sky's, chance of rain 30%, highs in the low 60's. Back to Peter with the Sports...) I've have been re-reading my marathon book looking for inside tips, freaking out about my fundraising, trying desperately to rid myself of this cold, and feasting on unhealthy dessert foods like a freshly dumped high schooler. In this increased anxiety ridden state, my social skills have also suffered leaving me reduced to limp handshakes and turrets intrusions- SHITFUCK COFFEE! Is there any hope?

Well it seems that a trip to the Fitness Expo has me cured. I am officially in the marathon, with my bib #54730 E to be worn on my Fred's Team jersey. I have trained over 4 months, running hundreds of miles, going through two pairs of shoes and boxes of pasta. I drank a fair bit, but kept it under control... for the most part, and am in the best endurance shape of my life. I am ready!

Now if only I can remember on sunday to turn back the clocks, wake up at 4:30am, meet my team at 5:30 for a picture in Time Square, properly stretch, eat a filling meal, not over hydrate, maintain a healthy pace, stay focused, listen to my body and remember my training, then I should be ready for 26.2. (phew)

Wish me luck and I'll see you at the finish-FUCKBATS!-line. oh no.

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Week Fifteen: 20 Mile Haikus

Run over the bridge
The beginning of the trek
A beautiful start.

IT Band holding
A swig from my Gatorade
An old woman farts.

West side highway story
Up to 105th
Halfway feels so far.

Hi wobbling legs
What do you say we get through
No problem Andy.

Joy washing over
I have just finished 20 miles!
Hips and knees angry.

3 more weeks until the Marathon! The 20 miles is the longest I will be running until the big race even though the marathon is 26.2 miles long. The last six is going to be pure will.

Friday, October 9, 2009

Week Fourteen: The Asian Rubdown

I was determined to fix my left leg with a sports massage and Jane's Apotherapy and Massage was my destination. I'm a newbie to the world of massages, having only experienced one while staying in Dublin, an ambient waterfall of soft rubs and sweet accents, and I had a feeling this was going to be a little different. When I got there I was greeted by an asian woman standing about 5' 3" who looked me up and down like a hawk stalking her prey. I had the option of a swedish massage or a deep tissue massage and after she used the word "fix" in referring to my leg if she performed a deep tissue massage, I was in. She asked 1-4, 1 being the area that hurt the most, what I wanted fixed. I started with my left hip (1) and worked my way down to my left calf (4.) She told me to undress and left the room with me in it, hoping this modern day witch doctor could cure me of my ailments.

A day later my left leg looked like it was laid out into the sun like a strawberry popsicle. Holy crap she kicked my ass! She pummeled my leg like a seasoned octagon fighter placing my muscles into quiet submission, using a skipping rock shaped instrument to dig into the depths of my aching muscles and tendons. She kept saying "good boy" in broken english and for a moment of biting pain I pictured the confessions she could get out of people during such pleasant torture.

The redness was said to dissipate and I ran two days later feeling a definite difference. The massage in combination with an IT Band strap that I ordered for my leg made my next long run so much smoother.

I'm Back!
20 miles next week

Week Thirteen: Injury Report, "Put a steak on it!"

(Click to make larger)

It was a bad week, plain and simple. After completing 16 miles two weeks ago my left leg was feeling some serious pain along the outside part of the thigh down to the knee. I ran the half marathon as well but felt something off, days after the race. On tuesdays I was back on the road for a 4 mile run, but the second I started moving I felt a pain behind my knee going to my left thigh. This was in combination to a soreness from my achilles up to my calf, also on my left leg. I turned around and headed back to the apartment with some questions for the interweb.

Possible problems:

Hip Bursitis
Inflammation of the bursa over the outside of the hip joint, so-called trochanteric bursitis, can cause pain with hip movement. Treatment of hip bursitis is often effective, but the condition has a problem of coming back and sometimes becoming a persistent problem.

Iliotibial Band Syndrome
The iliotibial band is a thick, fibrous band that spans from the hip to the shin; it lends stability to the knee joint, and is attached to muscles of the thigh. ITBS is caused when the band becomes inflamed and tender.

Achilles tendonitis is a painful condition of the tendon in the back of the ankle. Left untreated, Achilles tendonitis can lead to an increased risk of Achilles tendon rupture.

I figured I had a combination of a slight IT Band strain, and achilles tendonitis, though after watching an episode of CSI miami, I thought I might have been poisoned by a night club owner who injects his victims with a venomous syrum that brings on paralisis. Hopefully I can rest and get past this hiccup.